Services Offered

Preventive Oncology & Awareness Talks

The old axiom – “Prevention is always better than cure” – can not be more applicable in any other sphere of life but Oncology. Fortunately, several cancers are largely preventable by adopting healthy lifestyle and habits. We provide counselling and tips for cancer prevention. To know more Click here.

Cancer Screening & Early Detection

Cancers detected at an early stage need lesser intensity treatment, cause minimum side-effects, incur less expenses and result in higher cure rates. Screening for cancers like breast, cervical, colo-rectal, prostate help in their early detection. For high-risk individuals screening may be more intense as compared to general population. Your doctor will guide you regarding this. To know more Click here.

Treatment of Cancer with emphasis on Organ Preservation and Reconstruction

Modern cancer treatment lays emphasis on mutli-disciplinary management, organ conservation, minimally invasive surgery and preservation of or improvement in quality of life.

Traditionally, cancer has been equated with mutilating surgeries and organ and/or function loss. However, modern day cancer surgery allows us to preserve or restore organ structure and / or function in a significant number of our patients. One such example is Breast cancer where Mastectomy (Complete removal of breast) has given way to Breast conservation in a significant number of patient. Breast conservation gives not only equivalent survival as compared to mastectomy but also enhances quality of life. Similarly, efforts to conserve other organs like larynx (voice box), normal rectal passage, fertility preservation have given a new lease of life to our patients. Even if voice box needs removal, various ways of voice rehabilitation including a voice prosthesis have enabled patients to speak near normally.

Advances in chemotherapy and radiation have also facilitated preservation of organs and functions in situations that where previously treated with complete removal of the organ. To know more Click here.

Genetic counselling and testing

Developments in cancer research has led to discovery of many genes, alterations in which can make an individual much more susceptible to certain type of cancers e.g. breast, colorectal, prostate etc. as compared to normal population. These high risk individuals are advised to undergo genetic testing. Although heredity accounts for only 5-10 percent of all cancers, it is important to identify this small group to offer them more intensive screening or preventive measures that help in earlier detection and decreasing mortality.

Ongoing research is also trying to identify targeted medicines for specific genetic abnormalities (precision medicine). Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a promising technique that has the potential to identify unique combinations of drugs that are likely to work against a particular cancer. Some of these drugs may not even be traditional chemotherapeutic drugs and are used for entirely different purpose in medicine. Precision medicine is likely to be the future of cancer therapy

Robotic Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery

Robotic surgery enables more precise dissection in difficult to access areas by providing better manoeuvrability and magnification as compared to laparoscopy. 3D vision and certain other in-built technologies let the surgeon see and preserve vessels and nerves more accurately. It is helpful in certain cancers like colorectal, uterine, prostate, bladder, oesophagus etc.

In robotic surgery, the actual control lies with the surgeon who is sitting on the console of the robot. The movements of surgeon’s hands are transmitted by the robot through the instruments attached to robotic arms. Surgeon is also assisted by a nurse and another surgeon at the bedside of the patient

Rehabilitation Services – Physiotherapy, Nutritional Counselling, Psychological Support

Cancer treatment could, at times, lead to significant functional and structural abnormalities. These, in turn, may cause social, psychological and financial issues. Holistic cancer treatment also includes adequate or maximum possible rehabilitation that helps in overcoming disability and re-integrating with society.

Adequate nutrition, appropriate physiotherapy & occupational therapy, timely psychological counselling and pain management are the key components of proper rehabilitation. Apart from the basic support in these areas that can be provided on a regular basis by the core treating team, a thorough assessment and proper advise given by experts in each of these areas go a long way in proper rehabilitation.

Support groups provide a platform where patient interact with each other, share their experiences and provide encouragement to each other. The newly diagnosed patients and their care-givers who may be under a lot of stress do find it comforting when another person who has traversed a similar path and has overcome all odds is there to offer help. Such one-on-one sessions are extremely helpful in understanding what to expect during treatment and how to deal with it positively.